20% Return on Investment for Distributed Power Plants

The National Energy Administration is studying and formulating industry development issues and supporting policies, including the “Guidance on Promoting the Development of China’s Photovoltaic Industry”, “Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Demonstration Area Implementation Measures and Tariff Subsidy Standards”, etc. Among them, photovoltaic power generation tariff subsidy policy and the national grid photovoltaic grid-connected directly related. A person involved in the PV tariff subsidy policy opinion collection work revealed that he has been “suggestions” submitted up, there are claims that the subsidy policy will soon be released.

According to informed sources, distributed PV tariff subsidies mainly include: all distributed PV power generation projects, including self-generation and residual power online part, can get 0.4-0.6 yuan / degree of subsidies.


A person in the photovoltaic industry estimates that if the above subsidies can be implemented, a distributed photovoltaic project investment return of about 20%. However, the PV industry is now very tight capital flow, subsidy policy is afraid that for the time being can not drive large-scale investment.

However, the above news has not been confirmed by the National Development and Reform Commission sources.

Can be corroborated is that on October 25, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments had a meeting in. At the meeting, the National Energy Board revealed that the implementation of distributed photovoltaic power generation demonstration area and tariff subsidy standards are being drafted. The National Energy Board new energy and renewable energy department deputy director Shi Lishan revealed that the demonstration area project will be implemented fixed tariff, to the actual amount of electricity generated to calculate the amount of subsidies.