How should I clean my coloured multifocal contact lenses if I have hard water?

If you have hard water and need to clean your colored multifocal contact lenses, it’s essential to take precautions to avoid deposits or residue that may result from mineral buildup.

Here’s how you can clean your lenses effectively:

  1. Use Purified Water: Consider using purified or distilled water instead of tap water for rinsing and cleaning your contact lenses. Purified water does not contain the minerals found in hard water, reducing the risk of deposits on your lenses.
  2. Pre-Moisten Lenses with Solution: Before cleaning your lenses, moisten them with a few drops of multipurpose contact lens solution or sterile saline solution. This helps to loosen any debris or protein deposits on the lens surface, making them easier to clean.
  3. Rub and Rinse: Gently rub each lens between your fingertips while holding it in the palm of your hand. Use a small amount of multipurpose contact lens solution to create a lather as you rub the lens surface. This helps to remove debris, protein, and other deposits that may have accumulated on the lenses.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning each lens, rinse it thoroughly with purified water or sterile saline solution to remove any remaining cleaning solution and debris. Hold the lens under a gentle stream of water or immerse it in a clean contact lens case filled with solution and swirl it around for a few seconds.
  5. Inspect for Residue: After rinsing, inspect each lens carefully to ensure it is clean and free from any residue or deposits. coloured multifocal contact lenses Hold the lens up to a light source and check for any cloudiness or film that may indicate remaining debris.
  6. Repeat if Necessary: If you notice any residue or deposits on the lenses after cleaning, repeat the cleaning process to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned. Be sure to use fresh cleaning solution and purified water for each cleaning cycle to avoid reintroducing contaminants to the lenses.
  7. Use Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Consider using a hydrogen peroxide-based contact lens cleaning system as an alternative to multipurpose solutions if you have hard water. Hydrogen peroxide solutions provide a deep clean and disinfection while neutralizing mineral deposits from hard water.
  8. Consult Your Eye Care Professional: If you continue to experience issues with cleaning your colored multifocal contact lenses, or if you have concerns about the effects of hard water on your lenses, consult your eye care professional for personalized recommendations and guidance.

By following these steps and taking appropriate precautions, you can effectively clean your colored multifocal contact lenses even if you have hard water. Remember to use purified water or alternative cleaning solutions to minimize the risk of mineral deposits and ensure clear vision and eye comfort.

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