How to use cast iron pan?

Cast iron pans are versatile and durable cooking tools that can last a lifetime when properly used and cared for. Here are some steps for using a cast iron pan:

  1. Preheat the pan: Before cooking, preheat the cast iron pan on medium heat for a few minutes. This helps to evenly distribute the heat and prevent sticking.
  2. Add oil or fat: Cast iron pans require a small amount of oil or fat to prevent food from sticking. Add enough oil or fat to coat the bottom of the pan.
  3. Cook your food: Add your food to the pan and cook it as you normally would. Cast iron pans retain heat well, so you may need to adjust the cooking time and temperature compared to other types of cookware.

  1. Use a spatula or utensil: When cooking with a cast iron pan, use a spatula or utensil made of wood, silicone, or other non-metal material to prevent scratching the surface of the pan.
  2. Clean the pan: After cooking, allow the pan to cool completely before cleaning it. Never use soap or harsh abrasives on a cast iron pan as this can damage the seasoning. Instead, use warm water and a stiff brush to remove any food residue.
  3. Dry the pan: Once the pan is clean, dry it thoroughly with a towel or by heating it on the stove for a few minutes. Cast iron pans can rust if they are not dried properly.

  1. Re-season the pan: Over time, the seasoning on a cast iron pan may wear off. To re-season the pan, apply a thin layer of oil to the surface and heat it in the oven for an hour at 350-400°F (175-205°C).

By following these steps, you can use your cast iron pan to cook a variety of dishes and enjoy its long-lasting durability.

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